Our History


The idea of this spinning mill was born more than a century ago, to increase the importance of the Puna’s customs and to collaborate with its socio-economic development.

Between 1922 and 1926, an initiative by the Government of Jujuy brings the first containers with machines from Belgium to the province. Due to a lack of infrastructure, the machines don’t get installed and they remain stored for 30 years in Abra Pampa, in Jujuy’s Puna.

During the 1950s, a public-private partnership brings the machines to San Salvador de Jujuy and it starts producing textiles.

In 1970, the provincial government withdraws from the partnership and the spinning mill becomes a private enterprise. Nearly 30 years later, it moves to Palpalá, where it continued to work until 2012. In that year, it becomes Primera Hilandería y Tejeduría de la Puna SRL – better known as Hilandería Warmi. Warmi is a new form for the same dream: promoting the socioeconomic development of the Puna.

After several years of working on adjusting our processes and restructuring frameworks, Warmi manages a record level of production in 2016: we produced more than 13,500 garments. This is not only a source of great pride for the brand; it also shows a great collaborative effort to create an intangible universe with real value: increasing employment opportunities and the number of families who produce and provide the wool, raising the price of the threads to a fair commercial value, creating a transparent value chain, etc. This universe is the fundamental pillar of Hilanderia Warmi, which makes it the brand it has become today – a brand that seeks coherence and transparency, with an intrinsic social vocation.

In 2018, HilanderíaWarmi completed its first shipment to the United States. This expansion of our horizons came along with another important step, in 2019: the spinning mill returned to Abra Pampa, 93 years later. Warmi’s international take-off coincided with the return of the spinning mill to the heart of its cause of existence – the Puna. And it is becoming ingrained there.

Also in 2019, Hilandería Warmi received its certification as a B Corporation.

From the Puna to the world, HilanderíaWarmi continues to build value, creating a fusion of visions and cultures and stamping its identity on authentic, real and unique products. 

We are a social enterprise based in Jujuy, Argentina.